Wednesday, October 26, 2011

environments 3 out of 3

 A beach side thingy a hoozle

And kingdom in the mountains facing the sunset.

Finally, an old weird steam punkish (at least my attempt) engineering/torture room.

Monday, October 24, 2011

environments and a comic

Top one supposed to be a deserted island. Can't really feel it in the drawing though

Next is a kingdom on the side of a mountain. More chinese based

The last one is a steam punk-ish (or at least my failed attempt) engineering/torture room.

And now how the whole wrist thing went down

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Maria Expressions

Maria reminds you of a sneaky serpent. She has deep-set eyes the color of
cold ashes. Her silky, straight, iron-gray hair is worn in a style that reminds
you of a turtle's shell. She is short and has an amazonian build. Her skin is
dark. She has a high forehead. Her wardrobe is professional, with a lot of
yellow and black.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Monkey Zodiac Assignment

I did a take on the Monkey King. So he's more of a clever little trouble maker. We'll call him Sun Wu-Ping.

I also darkened the monk's skin. Still looks more Caucasian than Asian. His name will be Hu-Feng.

Two sides of intelligence, the clever and the wise. Both may be similar, but the variables surrounding it can be totally different. Yet you cannot have one without the other.